USA: Hazing Has No Place within the Navy


Hazing Has No Place within the Navy

The US Navy initiated new measures to track and prevent cases of hazing, as announced in Naval Administrative message 137/13, released Feb. 20.

Hazing occurs when a service member causes another to be exposed to cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning, or harmful activities. Hazing can be physical, verbal, or psychological in nature. This behavior is contrary to the Navy’s core values of honor, courage, and commitment, as expressed by Adm. Scott Van Buskirk, chief of Naval Personnel.

 “Hazing has no place within the Navy’s culture of dignity and respect for every Sailor,” said Van Buskirk. “It diminishes our Sailors’ trust in their Shipmates, their unit and our organization, it affects readiness, and it will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of every Sailor and deckplate leader to both reject and report hazing.”

The NAVADMIN establishes the Navy Office of Hazing Prevention (OPNAV N137) as the lead entity for hazing policy and tracking substantiated cases. Within each command, hazing is tracked by assigned command managed equal opportunity (CMEO) program managers, equal opportunity advisors, and equal opportunity program managers, who will then work with commanding officers to ensure timely reporting of incidents.

Reporting procedures are outlined in the NAVADMIN.

The Navy Office of Hazing Prevention is working to expand the Military Equal Opportunity Network (MEONet) database to include tracking information on hazing incidents. MEONet is a standalone online web-based program that standardizes, tracks and reports administrative actions associated with the primary duties of EO advisors and CMEO program managers.

Tracking substantiated hazing events is vital to determining the extent to which these events are occurring and the nature of such events, as well as analyzing trends. Incidents of hazing will be reported by the Navy Office of Hazing Prevention to the Chief of Naval Personnel quarterly.

Naval Today Staff, February 21, 2013; Image: US Navy