USS Boxer Receives Retention Excellence Award for Second Time

Training & Education

For a second consecutive year, the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer (LHD 4) was named winner of the Retention Excellence Award for outstanding Sailor retention for 2012.

The Retention Excellence Award, also known as “Golden Anchor Award,” is awarded annually to commands that meet or exceed the retention criteria set forth by the Chief of Naval Operations. Commands must also score a minimum of 85 on their annual command career information program review to qualify for the award.

 “The award is a significant accomplishment for the crew and validates the commitment our leaders have to the Sailors onboard,” said Navy Counselor 1st Class (SW/AW) Derek Reynolds from Boxer’s career counselor office.

 Chief Navy Counselor (AW/SW) Jayne Epaloose, Boxer’s command career counselor, agreed that the award represents a total shipboard effort to have more Boxer Sailors stay Navy.

 “This award means Boxer leadership cares about its Sailors,” said Epaloose.

As a trophy for winning the award, the command will be allowed to keep the ship’s anchors painted gold for another year.

 “Our anchors are gold and that tells the fleet what Boxer is all about,” added Epaloose.

Naval Today Staff, February 11, 2013