US Navy Announces Sea Shore Flow Update

Training & Education

Sailors from ten enlisted communities will see their Sea Shore Flow (SSF) Enlisted Career Paths adjusted in the Navy’s latest Sea Shore Flow Update, officials said Dec. 4.

“Changes to the enlisted sea duty and shore duty billet base require periodic tour length updates to ensure proper manning of our ships, submarines, aviation squadrons, and other operational units,” said Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Force Master Chief (AW/SW/NAC) Jon Port. “This year’s Sea Shore Flow update released in NAVADMIN 361/12 is on a much smaller scale than the Sea Shore Flow revision implemented in 2011.”

Last year was the first revision to Sea Shore Flow since it was implemented in 2008 and impacted 44 out of 84 enlisted communities with over 118,000 Sailors facing longer sea tour lengths. This year, only 10 enlisted communities will be impacted and fewer than 9,000 Sailors will see longer sea tour lengths.”

Last year, the Navy also began a concerted effort to balance SSF for sea-intensive ratings by increasing in-rate shore duty billets in Regional Maintenance Centers (RMCs), Afloat Training Groups (ATGs), and Fleet Readiness Centers (FRCs) among other critical shore activities.

“These billets provide rating enhancing shore tour opportunities within Fleet concentration areas improving geographic stability for our Sailors and their families,” said Rear Adm. Annie Andrews, Director Navy Total Force Division (OPNAV N12). “As an added benefit, in-rate shore duty billets in the RMCs, ATGs, and FRSs increase the total number of Sailors returning back to sea as skilled journeymen and supervisors; expand Fleet training capacity; and ultimately result in better personnel, training, and material readiness conditions on our ships, submarines and aviation squadrons.”

Sea and shore tour lengths are set via the Sea Shore Flow NAVADMIN and are driven by the total number of sea and shore duty billets each enlisted community needs to fill. Every attempt is made to balance a Sailor’s personal and career goals and desires with ensuring the Navy’s sea duty manning needs are properly met.

Among the changes announced in NAVADMIN 361/12, four ratings have increased sea tour lengths; two ratings have decreased sea tour lengths; two ratings have decreased shore tour lengths; one rating has decreased both sea and shore tour lengths; and one rating has decreased sea tour lengths and increased shore tour lengths. A summary of the changes for the ten impacted communities and specific SSF Enlisted Career Paths for all ratings are listed in the NAVADMIN.

Detailers will review the records of Sailors in the affected communities and make PRD adjustments as required. Once all of the PRD adjustments have been completed a formal notification will be issued and commands can review their EDVR (enlisted distribution and verification report) for the changes.

According to message, Sailors with PRDs prior to August 2013 will not have their current PRD adjusted under the updated SSF tour lengths. Rating detailers at NPC will determine what PRD adjustments all other Sailors will face based on the new policy and Fleet readiness.

Sea Shore Flow was first implemented in 2008 to replace pay-grade driven Sea Shore Rotation. Sea Shore Flow Enlisted Career Paths are designed to ensure proper manning of all sea duty and front line operational billets. At the same time, SSF helps to provide a more desirable work-life balance throughout a Sailor’s career by working to offset the often arduous nature of sea duty with predictable periods of meaningful work ashore.

Naval Today Staff, December 7, 2012; Image: US Navy