USA: Sailors Prepare for PFA

Training & Education

Sailors Prepare for PFA

With many commands across the fleet preparing for the semi-annual physical readiness assessment (PFA) the Navy’s Physical Readiness Program director, addressed a Sailor’s responsibilities for the PRT.

“It’s the Sailor’s responsibility to maintain physical fitness standards constantly and consistently, not solely at the time of semiannual testing,” said William Moore, director, Navy Physical Readiness Program. “It’s important for Sailors to maintain a minimum level of physical fitness necessary for worldwide deployment readiness, whenever and wherever needed.”

According to Navy’s Physical Readiness Program instruction, Sailors should complete at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week. Examples of moderate-intensity activities include brisk walking (3 mph or faster), bicycling (slower than 10 mph) and water aerobics. High-intensity activities include jogging or running, lap swimming, jumping rope and circuit training. Sailors should also perform strength-training exercises at least twice a week to work all major muscle groups.

The Navy assesses each Sailor’s physical readiness twice a year through the semi-annual PFA. The PFA includes a medical screening, a body composition assessment (BCA), and a physical readiness test (PRT).

BCA is based upon a Sailor’s height and weight measurements, and circumference (measuring tape) measurements as required.

Sailors are responsible to comply with medical screening requirements for Navy physical training.

Medical screening includes a current annual periodic health assessment (PHA), a semi-annual PARFQ (Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire) and pre-physical activity questions. Sailors may check the status of their PHA in PRIMS (Physical Readiness Information Management System), a Navywide program available in BUPERS Online, used to track Sailors’ physical readiness data. PHA data is located on the member’s page under the header “Last PHA.” Sailors should contact medical to schedule a PHA if their current PHA has expired or will expire before the next PRT.

Failure to complete any of the medical screening can prevent a Sailor from participating in the PRT.

“All unauthorized non-participation in the PFA will be designated as ‘UA’ in PRIMS and scored a PFA failure for the PFA cycle,” said Moore.

OPNAVINST 6110.1J provides guidance for the Navy’s Physical Readiness Program, lists program requirements, defines responsibilities for compliance and establishes required minimum standards of physical fitness.

“All members are required to participate in the semi-annual PFA regardless of gender, age, rank, title, billet or retirement request status,” said Moore.

The Physical Readiness Program Operating Guide is the official Physical Readiness Program supplement guide to the Physical Readiness Program instruction

Naval Today Staff,October 17, 2012; Image: US Navy