HMS St Albans to Support Dartmouth Regatta, UK

Training & Education

HMS St Albans to Support Dartmouth Regatta, UK

A host of Royal Navy assets is supporting the ever-popular Dartmouth Regatta this year, with pride of place going to Guard Ship HMS St Albans, which will be stationed at the mouth of the Dart for five days.

Type 23 frigate St Albans – which is being officially hosted by Britannia Royal Naval College – hopes to arrive on Thursday evening (Aug 30).

Her commanding officer, Commander Andrew Block and his ship’s company, are delighted to be able to support such a long-standing and popular event – not least because the officers on board all passed their initial training at the College.

On the Friday evening, Cdr Block and his crew will host a reception and capability demonstration for invited guests on board, while next day, around 40 of the ship’s company will attend a Regatta reception at Bayard’s Cove in the town.

Commander Block is very much looking forward to visiting Dartmouth and said:

“My ship’s company is proud to represent the Royal Navy as Guardship at the 190th Dartmouth Regatta. The port of Dartmouth and the RN have a long history together.

“This relationship is going to grow as Dartmouth becomes the focus for more and more training of the young men and women who will serve at sea, in the air and on land in the Naval Service, protecting our Nation’s interests.

“St Albans will be participating in a number of events and we are very much looking forward to meeting the other competitors, spectators and participants before we sail to continue our operational training.”

During the course of the Regatta’s festivities, there will also be the familiar Red and Grey Sea King of 771 Squadron putting on an air/sea rescue with the RNLI Dartmouth, a fly-past from a Sea Fury from the RN Historical Flight at RNAS Yeovilton, and the thrilling Black Cats Helicopter Display team.

Naval Today Staff, August 29, 2012; Image: RN