USS Vicksburg Arrives in Piraeus, Greece

Training & Education

USS Vicksburg Arrives in Piraeus, Greece

Guided-missile cruiser USS Vicksburg (CG 69) arrived in Piraeus, Greece for a regularly scheduled port visit March 28.

The visit serves to continue U.S. 6th Fleet efforts to build global maritime partnerships with European nations and improve maritime safety and security in the region.

“Sailors [aboard] Vicksburg are excited to visit Greece,” said Capt. Logan Jones, commanding officer of Vicksburg. “Most [Sailors] have spent the better part of their lives reading about Greek culture and Greek history. We are thrilled to be able to see the sites and experience first hand the wonders of this country.”

While sightseeing will likely play a big role in Piraeus, it is not the sole purpose of the visit.
“While we are here, we trust that we will also make friends and strengthen bonds between two nations who share a commitment to maritime security,” said Jones.
Sailors also do what they can to help the local communities near ports.

“I want our Sailors out there building relationships through community relations projects,” said Cmdr. Thomas E. McNerney, executive officer aboard Vicksburg. “We’re here to absorb the culture, build community relations and contribute to the economy [of every country] we go to.”

Vicksburg’s visit also serves as a means to strengthen relations with Greece.

“We must leave a good impression on our allies,” said Vicksburg’s Command Master Chief Robert W. Bostic. “Maintaining friendly cooperation with our allies such as Greece is of the utmost importance.”

Bostic plans on meeting with the 6th Fleet Master Chief Marco Ramirez while in Piraeus.

Vicksburg is conducting this port visit as part of a scheduled deployment to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility.

Vicksburg is on her final deployment and is slated to decommission in 2013.

Vicksburg is deployed as part of Enterprise Carrier Strike Group to support maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th and 6th Fleet areas of responsibility.

Naval Today Staff , March 29, 2012; Image: navy