Russia: Admiralteyskie Verfi Shipyard Completes Strength Hull Sections for SSK Novorossiysk



JSC Admiralteyskie Verfi shipyard has completed manufacturing of strength hull sections for Project 636.3 submarine. The first serial submarine named Novorossiysk is built under Russian Navy’s order and will be commissioned into Black Sea Fleet in 2014.

Construction of the submarine under modernized project goes on schedule. At present, the shipyard has started shaping of outer hull sections. Workshops of Admiralteyskie Verfi outfit stern section; its hydraulic pressure tests are scheduled in May 2012. Bow and middle sections are being outfitted as well and will be filled with interior equipment by the end of Feb 2012. Their hydraulic pressure tests will be conducted in July-Aug 2012. All sections will be jointed together in 2013.

SSK Novorossiysk was laid down in Aug 2010 and is one of the most advanced modifications of third-generation Project 636 diesel electric submarines. Keel-laying of Novorossiysk opened implementation of defense ministry’s long-term Black Sea Fleet rehabilitation plan.

Comparing to previous projects, the new sub is more effective. Optimal combination of silence and detection range, up-to-date inertial navigation aids and tactical data control system make submarines of this project the world’s best in their class. Admiralteyskie Verfi is a leading manufacturer of such subs actively exporting them since 1993.

JSC Admiralteyskie Verfi is the key shipyard and the center of Russia’s non-nuclear submarine building. The company is affiliate of JSC United Shipbuilding Corporation. At present, the shipyard is fully workloaded with domestic and foreign orders. Two 6-sub series are currently under construction – Project 636 for export and Project 636.3 for Russian Navy. Repair of fourth-generation Project 677 Lada non-nuclear submarine St. Petersburg is coming to end. Presently, the yard conducts mooring trials of research ship Akademik Treshnikov built for Russian Antarctic Expedition. Rescue ship Igor Belousov equipped with deep-sea submersible Bester-1 is under construction as well.
