Russian Navy’s CG Arrives at Syrian Port to Replenish Supplies

Training & Education


Russian Navy’s carrier group consisting of three warships, a tug and a tanker carried out a formal call at the port of Tartus (Syria) in order to replenish supplies, reported RIA Novosti referring to a spokesman for Russian Navy.

The carrier group consists of aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov, large ASW ship Admiral Chabanenko, frigate Ladny, rescue tug Nikolai Chiker, and tanker Lena.

Large ASW ship Admiral Chabanenko, frigate Ladny, and tanker Lena called directly at the Tartus port. Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and rescue tug Nikolai Chiker are anchored in the outer harbor“, said the interviewee.

According to him, the ships will “leave Syrian waters on Jan 9 and continue the long-range cruise” after replenishment of water supplies.

Tartus is Russian Navy’s technical maintenance center.

The interfleet task force started the cruise on Dec 6 and held a number of training flights, having met the New Year in the Mediterranean Sea. Ships of Northern, Baltic, and Black Sea fleets take part in the deployment.

Naval Today Staff , January 11, 2012;