Russia: BF Ships Spent Over 300 Days at Sea

Training & Education


Baltic Fleet (BF) Chief of Staff RADM Sergei Farkov said at the session of BF Military Council that all tasks assigned to the fleet in training year had been completed.

BF ships have performed 5 long-range cruises to different regions of the World Ocean. Crews of surface ships have carried out over 500 combat drills including missile and gun firings, mine layings, deep-sea bomb releases, and mine countermeasures.

In total, the fleet’s surface ships have spent over 300 days at sea. Strike, minesweeping, and landing task groups have been prepared as well. BF warships took part in 3 international exercises, carried out duties in the Baltic Sea and beyond.

Intensive combat training was held in BF Coastal Troops as well. Land-based units have conducted over 700 small-arms firing drills, and about 400 firings on tanks and combat vehicles. Servicemen of BF Marine Brigade have carried out about 2,500 parachute jumps and attended 7 cruises on board warships and auxiliary vessels.

The fleet’s naval aviation has performed over 1,500 flights, one third of them were held at night. Total flight time of the fleet’s aviators exceeded 700 hours.

According to results of the training year, among leading units were Harbor Defense Brigade of Leningrad Naval Base and Artillery Brigade of BF Coastal Troops. Crews of small-size ASW ship Zelenodolsk, small-size ship Liven, frigate Yaroslav Mudry, and corvette Stereguschiy were named as the best ones.

In the next year the fleet will have eventful training program consisting of maritime, field, and flight components.

Naval Today Staff , November 28, 2011;