Russian Navy Plans to Receive up to 10 Diesel Submarines till 2020



Russian Navy plans to receive up to 10 diesel submarines till 2020 which are expected to constitute the basic submarine force in littoral areas of responsibility, reported RIA Novosti on Nov 21 referring to a spokesman for Russian Navy.

Presently, Russian Navy operates about 20 submarines of this class.

First of all, new submarines will be intended to improve combat worthiness of Black Sea and Baltic fleets.

In the context of recent keel-laying of Project 636.3 diesel electric submarine Rostov-na-Donu at Admiralteyskie Verfi shipyard, Russian Navy command expects to obtain 8-10 diesel subs till 2020″, said the interviewee.

He added that within the next 10 years diesel submarine industry would be aimed at improving of silence parameters, increasing of endurance and versatility of use against sea surface, underwater, and coastal targets.

As for the source, actions of diesel electric subs are planned in those aquatic zones where use of nuclear-powered submarines is either impossible or unpractical. Such regions are the Black and the Baltic seas.

Project 636 submarine (in NATO classification – Improved Kilo) has surface speed of 17 knots and submerged speed of 20 knots; test depth is 350 meters; endurance is 45 days; crew is 57; combat load is 18 torpedoes or missiles.

Naval Today Staff, November 23, 2011;