Russia: CF Military Council Sums Up Results



Caspian Flotilla (CF) Military Council convened under direction of CF Commander RADM Sergei Alekminsky in order to summarize the flotilla’s combat training achievements in 2011.

About 90 servicemen took part in the CF Military Council’s session; they were chiefs of departments and services, unit commanders, officers of court martial, investigative department and military procuracy.

Totally, in 2011 CF warships have carried out over 130 sorties and performed about 150 gun firings at sea-, air-, and coastal targets.

CF Coast Defense Troops have conducted over 10 battalion and company tactical drills with combat firings. Marines have carried out about 100 parachute jumps.

The flotilla’s ships attended the Center 2011 strategic exercise in Sept 2011. During one of the episodes, CF servicemen performed landing operation on unprepared coast, seized and secured the beachhead.

CF Military Council distinguished the best units. They were CF Gun Boat Division headed by Sergei Babskov and CF Marine Battalion headed by Pavel Zelensky.

In the end of the session, CF Commander RADM Sergei Alekminsky highly appreciated the flotilla’s activities in training year of 2011.

Naval Today Staff , November 21, 2011