Russia to Continue to Defend Interests in Arctic, President Says



Russia will continue to defend its interests in Arctic region and invest in researches of Arctic zone, said Russian president Dmitry Medvedev.

“We obliged to keep exploring of the Arctic Ocean and northern region in general; otherwise, those territories will be run by other countries. This is not to say they are our enemies, and we treat them properly. But de jure, part of the Arctic Ocean is Russia’s adjacent waters. It is our coast and maritime space, both geographically and economically”, said Medvedev meeting with workers, engineers, and activists of the United Russia party.

As for him, if Russia ignores to invest in Arctic exploration, non-regional countries would come there.

He named a big surprise the fact that countries located at the other end of the planet were also about to invest in Arctic researches.

“Undoubtedly, we will put up the capital in those researches and programs. I have convened several sessions of Russian Security Council to talk about Arctic issues. We will definitely protect our interests in this region including security matters, of course. All decisions in this regard have been already made”, Medvedev said.

Ministry of Regional Development and Productive Power Research Panel drew out an Arctic zone development strategy by presidential order within Russia’s national policy in Arctic. The purpose is creation of common regulatory framework and administrative system to control Arctic territories. Basic element of the strategy is federal program named “Economic and Social Development of Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation in 2012-2020” which provides certain economy-stimulating and law-improving measures.

Naval Today Staff , November 15, 2011