Norway Releases Russian Trawler Sapfir-2



Norway released Russian trawler Sapfir-2 arrested for violation of Norwegian fishery rules. The trawler has already resumed fishing activities, reports ITAR-TASS referring to the shipowner.

The Russian ship belonging to six Arkhangelsk fishing farms was detained by Norwegian Coast Guard on Sept 28 near Spitsbergen Archipelago and towed to the port of Tromso. Russian fishermen were incriminated dropping needless fish overboard which is prohibited by Norwegian legislation.

Shipmaster Vladimir Pisarenko was fined NOK 50,000, and shipowner – NOK 100,000. Besides, Norwegians assessed the damage inflicted by Russian trawler as NOK 300,000. Overall amount of the fine was NOK 450,000 (about $80,000).

Shipowners and Pisarenko are not satisfied with fine size and are about to sue. To make the trawler allowed to continue fishing, owners of Sapfir-2 had to guarantee the money transfer.

The crew did not drop fish overboard, said Pisarenko to Fishermen’s Review. As for him, Sapfir-2 produces fillets and needless fish are “beheaded, frozen, and stored under decks”. At the time of arrest, there were 3 tons of catch on board the ship.

Both Norwegian and Russian vessels have the right to conduct fishing activities near Spitsbergen Archipelago. Through the recent 3 months, Norwegian Coast Guard has detained Russian ships six times for throwing off fish. Norway is the only country prohibiting that.

According to Fishermen’s Review, in Oct Norway has finished judicial trial over Russian fishermen, crewmembers of Anatoly Gugunov and Boris Zaitsev. Norway claimed for a fine of NOK 5 mln. Finally, parties agreed on NOK 540,000.

Source: rusnavy, October 11, 2011