Russia: Navy Commander Sets Tasks for Industry



Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky held a working conference on Sept 30 at Sevmash shipyard with participation of industrialists, told the yard’s press service to Central Navy Portal.

The conference was attended by Chief of Navy Main HQ Admiral Alexander Tatarinov, directors of Sevmash, representatives of equipment-supplying companies and principal designer – Rubin design bureau. The agenda was execution of submarine commissioning plan. In particular, participants discussed readiness of Borei-class SSBN Yury Dolgoruky for state commission to be held in 2011, and readiness of her basic weapon SLBM Bulava for further commissioning into the Navy. Admiral Vysotsky addressed a report about key directions for designing and building of new-generation nuclear submarines.

The admiral focused on systems providing combat operation. Mainly, the Navy complained of radioelectronics and sonars. Vysotsky put high emphasis on the quality of equipment delivered to the Navy. As for him, present-day Russian Navy appropriates significant funds for advanced submarines and has a right to demand high quality of works and production.

Current problematic issues related to preparation of SSBN Yury Dolgoruky for state commission were settled at the conference as well. The main objective is to do whatever possible to prepare the submarine for commissioning in Dec 2011. The submarine has the most complicated and important phase of trials ahead, so Sevmash and contractors will have to execute them perfectly in order to fulfill working schedule.

Navy command and Sevmash directors jointly discussed other issues as well. It was decided to start preparations for sea trials of the first serial Borei-class submarine SSBN Alexander Nevsky, to overcome problems in construction process of Yasen-class nuclear-powered submarines, etc.

Source: rusnavy, October 09, 2011