Royal Fleet Auxiliary Wave Ruler Visits Caribbean Island of Martinique

Training & Education


RFA Wave Ruler made a visit to the Caribbean island of Martinique from the 23rd to 26th September. This was the second time the ship had visited the island, with the first visit in April 2007.

RFA Wave Ruler has previously been stationed in the Far East, Gulf and as APT(S) (Atlantic Patrol Task (South)) in the South Atlantic, supporting the Falkland Islands as well as working in territorial waters around the UK.

Patrolling the North Atlantic and Caribbean, RFA Wave Ruler’s primary role is to provide support to the UK Overseas territories and strengthen the UK Government’s commitment in the region. This role includes providing regional support in the event of natural disasters such as hurricanes.

With an extensive range of disaster relief stores Wave Ruler is capable of providing food, water and shelter where required. Additionally the ship and her crew can provide medical and humanitarian aid, together with technical assistance using their training, skills, knowledge and experience.

Whilst at sea working in support of local defence and police forces, from a host of Caribbean nations, together with United States Coast Guard, RFA Wave Ruler has been conducting maritime patrols.

RFA Wave Ruler and her Commanding Officer Captain Stephen Norris RFA hosted VIPs for an official reception on Friday 23rd September. The ship’s company also took part in a football match against Marine Nationale.

Capt Norris said: “We are delighted to be in Martinique. The visit confirms our commitment in the Caribbean and offers the opportunity to work closely with allies on regional issues.

“Wave Ruler’s primary role is to support UK Overseas Territories in the event of natural disasters and contribute to regional law enforcement.

“The ship’s company are looking forward to the visit and the opportunity to experience Martinique.”

Source: royalnavy, October 03, 2011