Pacific Fleet Task Unit Begins Patrolling Gulf of Aden



Pacific Fleet (PF) task unit led by large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev on Sept 28 arrived at assigned region off the Horn of Africa to protect civil shipping from pirate attacks, reports RIA Novosti referring to official spokesman for Russian Navy.

Russian warships have been maintaining security of navigation near the Horn of Africa and the Gulf of Aden since 2008.

“Pacific Fleet task unit consisting of large ASW ship Admiral Panteleyev, supply vessel Butoma, and salvage tug Fotiy Krylov on Sept 28 shifts Northern Fleet task unit”, said the interviewee.

According to him, PF task unit heads for the Gulf of Aden from the Indian Ocean. “The crew feels well, equipment and arms operate normally”, said the Navy spokesman.

In Sept 8-13 the PF task unit headed by Admiral Panteleyev visited port of Sihanoukville (Cambodia) underway from Vladivostok to the Horn of Africa.

Source: rusnavy, September 29, 2011