“Spendings for Defense and National Security will Always be High in Russia”, Medvedev Says



Spendings for defense and national security will always be high in Russia, and all officials objecting this statement should find another job, said Russian president Dmitry Medvedev meeting with commanders of military units participating in the Center-2011 exercise.

Prior to that, Medvedev dismissed vice-premier and finance minister Alexei Kudrin who said earlier in the US that he would not see himself as a member of future Medvedev’s government due to numerous discords, primarily related to military expenditures.

“We cannot do without defense spendings. I mean spendings worthy of Russia. Not a kind of a ‘banana republic’ but the Russian Federation, a very large country, permanent member of UN Security Council, and owner of nuclear weapons. That is why we will always have considerable spendings to maintain appropriate level of defense and security, no matter how it would affect national budget”, said the president.

As for him, sometimes military reforms are criticized not only by opposition but even “by government employees, officials who think the money are spent for wrong things”.

Medvedev pointed out that the state must control funds expenditures, but can not do without military spendings. As for him, that is “our duty to nationals and neighbors”.

“If we were weak or our armed forces collapsed – like it was desired by various opponents inside Russia and abroad – our country would cease to exist”, emphasized the president.

“Therefore, my colleagues and I as the Supreme Commander will always persist in assumption that spendings for defense, new armaments, monetary allowance, and adequate living conditions must be the top priority of the government’s activities. That is the only way. Anyone who does not agree with that may look for another job. That’s an imperative”, concluded Medvedev.

Source: rusnavy, September 28, 2011