UK: Royal Navy Frigate HMS Lancaster Returns to Water



HMS Lancaster’s refit reached a key milestone today as the dry dock housing the Ship was flooded for the first time since September 2010.

Since entering upkeep in September 2010, HMS Lancaster has received extensive work to her equipment and systems, with both shafts being replaced, a transom flap fitted, a new coating of underwater paint and refurbished diesel generators being fitted prior to the dock being flooded.

The replacement of both port and starboard shafts has required precise engineering from BAE Systems​ Ltd to ensure absolute alignment of the intricate shaft components.

The Transom Flap, an extension of the hull structure at the stern of the Ship, acts like an underwater spoiler, reducing the drag of the Ship through the water, making her travel faster while using less fuel; a major efficiency improvement to the Ship in the current financial climate.

All of this work, in addition to fitting four refurbished diesel generators will provide a more robust power and propulsion plant, making HMS Lancaster ready for any operational tasking required of her.

Her Marine Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Commander Andy Foote, said:

“The return of HMS Lancaster to a floating condition is the first of a series of key events as she begins her return to the Fleet. It’s a real morale boost for the Ship’s Company to see her in the water again.”

“Today’s flood-up clearly demonstrates the successful partnering relationship between BAE Systems and the Ship. I am most pleased with the extensive marine engineering work that has got us to this important stage of the refit programme.”

Work continues inside the Ship with new computer systems, weapon updates and galley refurbishment being just some of the improvements that will bring Lancaster to the forefront of technology when she returns to the Fleet in 2012.

Source: royalnavy, September 22, 2011;