Russia: Group of INS Vikaramaditya Crewmembers Finish Training

Training & Education


Two teams of INS Vikramaditya (Project 11430) crewmembers on Sept 14 obtained certificates of training completion, told press service of JSC Sevmash shipyard to Central Navy Portal.

First 152-men course of Indian servicemen passes training at Sevmash shipyard. According to the contract, Russian party is obliged to train the crew of INS Vikramaditya. Training process consists of two stages. At first, Indian mariners study theoretical subjects in Naval Academy and Officers’ Training Course (St. Petersburg), and Naval Engineering Institute (Pushkin); the second stage is practice at Sevmash where Indian servicemen are trained directly at their future duty stations.

Prior to that, two groups of Indian sailors – 23 electricians and 19 intercom specialists – had finished training. They were awarded diplomas of Naval Academy handed out by Nikolai Zhirkov, the head of defense production training group in presence of R. Svaminatan, director of observation group and Stanislav Klimanov, representative of JSC Rosoboronexport.

At present, the second 112-men course of Indian servicemen passes training in St. Petersburg. They are going to start practice at Sevmash early in Nov. It is planned to train almost all crewmen of INS Vikramaditya (over 1,000 Indian servicemen) till 2012 is over.

Source: rusnavy, September 19, 2011;