Italy: OSN to Attend EXPOMIL 2011 with MOSAIC Family Corvette

Training & Education


OSN will attend EXPOMIL 2011 (22 – 25 September 2011 | Bucharest, Romania) exhibiting a range of naval products particularly the MOSAIC Family Corvette. The MOSAIC Family embraces a wide range of possible configurations from 1500 to 2400 tonnes, designed to meet the requirements of littoral or Blue Water operations.

Modular Open System Architecture, Volume Modularity Concept, Flexible Combat Management System, Crew Reduction are the key elements.

Orizzonte Sistemi Navali (OSN) is the sole Italian Prime Contractor and Whole Warship Design Authority supplying turn-key Naval Surface Vessels with high technological content. The Company, through its experience in total naval ship design and integrated support services, is more than a surfaces vessel supplier: it is a provider of global naval solutions.

Source: orizzontesn, September 19, 2011