PF Ships to Conduct Exercise in Sea of Japan and Sea of Okhotsk

Training & Education


Over 50 Pacific Fleet (PF) ships will conduct exercise in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk, said Northeast Grouping Commander Rear Admiral Konstantin Maklov at Monday’s press conference.

The exercise started late in Aug, and its active phase will last till the end of Sept.

“Over 50 PF ships will practice anti-terror activities during the exercise in the Sea of Japan, the Sea of Okhotsk, and northwest part of Pacific Ocean”, Maklov said.

The officer added that 35 supply vessels, about 50 airplanes and helicopters, up to 10,000 military servicemen and civilian specialists will take part in the maneuvers as well.

“Main objective of the exercise is practicing of anti-piracy and anti-poaching activities, as well as prevention of terror acts at oil-and-gas assets located in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk”, he said.

Maklov said active phase of the exercise was going to start. The maneuvers will be held in accordance with PF training plan for 2011.

Source: rusnavy, September 15, 2011;