USA: Navy’s Energy Efficiency Techval Program Employs Innovative Energy

Equipment & technology


The Navy’s Energy Efficiency Technology Validation (Techval) program completed the retrofit of an entire building with light-emitting diode (LED) lighting at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Twentynine Palms Aug. 30.

After its retrofitting, the Twentynine Palms Officer’s Club, is expected to deliver an energy savings of more than 32,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) and cost savings of more than $9,000 per year in energy and maintenance in contrast to the older, inefficient lighting system. The Techval program is managed through the Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NAVFAC ESC) at Naval Base Ventura County, California.

“The energy savings gained through the use of LED lighting has the potential to save millions of dollars for the Navy and for American taxpayers,” said Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center Commanding Officer Capt. Brant D. Pickrell. “While there are many Techval sponsored LED lighting demonstrations underway at various Navy shore facilities, this is the first time we have attempted the retrofit of an entire building. The results have been promising and most encouraging.”

This project will showcase the potential that LED technology can provide with indoor lighting throughout a variety of capacities and scenarios. The scope of work for this project included replacing MR-16 halogen lamps, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), 2×2 parabolic fluorescent fixtures, and incandescent landscape lighting with LED lamps.

Among the many benefits of LED lighting are energy savings from reduced lamp wattage and air conditioning energy savings due to reduced lamp heat. LED lighting systems enjoy a longer service life than incandescent or fluorescent lamps, further reducing maintenance costs.

Moreover, since LEDs do not contain mercury, they are a tremendous improvement over the older fluorescent tubes and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) which contain that element and require proper disposal to prevent mercury from poisoning landfills. LED lighting does not emit infrared or ultraviolet radiation, making them ideal for illuminating artwork or other sensitive displays.

MCAGCC Twentynine Palms was selected to host this technology demonstration due to expensive electricity costs prevalent in the region. The new lighting will provide immediate relief in the site’s energy costs. Given the annual cost savings of nearly $10,000 in energy and maintenance, the total retrofit costs of $80,000 is offset and bolsters the Navy’s efforts to achieve the Secretary of the Navy’s (SECNAV) ambitious energy goals of increasing alternative energy ashore to 50 percent by 2020; and increase total alternative energy use to 40 percent by 2020. The simple payback of this project is estimated to be 8.25 years.

This building is a showcase for the potential that new energy-related technology can provide to the Navy and Marine Corps.

Mabus laid out five aggressive energy goals in October 2009 to improve the Navy’s energy security and efficiency, increase the Navy’s energy independence, and help lead the nation toward a clean energy economy. This initiative assists in achieving the energy goal of increasing alternative energy afloat and ashore where by 2020, 50 percent of the total Department of the Navy energy consumption will come from alternative sources.

Source: navy, September 1, 2011;