BLACKSEAFOR Finishes Bulgarian Phase of Exercise

Training & Education


Warships of Black Sea joint task group BLACKSEAFOR headed by Russian large landing ship Caesar Kunikov on Aug 29 had finished Bulgarian phase of the exercise.

Participating ships were Bulgarian minesweeper Priboy, Romanian corvette Sebastian, Turkish frigate Yildirim, and Ukrainian minesweeper Cherkassy, reports ITAR-TASS.

Summarizing results, the exercise director Capt 1 rank Yury Zemskoi pointed out that “the joint naval force has successfully accomplished all assigned tasks”.

The crews carried out life-saving, salvage, and transshipment drills on the way from Novorossiysk to Trabzon and then from Trabzon to Varna.

When the exercise phase was over, Russian and Bulgarian crews paid honors to Russian destroyer Lieutenant Puschin collided with mine off Bulgaria on March 9, 1916.

Source: rusnavy, August 31,2011;