Russian Defense Ministry Confirms Intention to Agree upon Contracts in Nearest Time



Russian defense ministry confirmed its intention to agree upon contracts under state defense order in the nearest time, said deputy finance minister and member of military industrial commission Anton Siluanov at the press conference after the Russian Government session.

“Defense ministry confirmed willingness to settle contracts in the nearest time and to grant advance for execution of state defense order”, he said.

As for him, the situation when contracts are not tied in the end of Aug is nothing but breach of budgetary discipline. According to deputy finance minister, reasons of such delay are pricing problems and, probably, the fact that contracts are normally signed with regard to governmental credits and guarantees.

“Perhaps, this has also protracted the contract signing process”, said Siluanov.

He expressed hope that the work would be finished soon, and executors of state defense order would receive appropriate financing.

Source: rusnavy, August 25, 2011;