USA: Adm. Alvaro Echandia Duran Visits NECC



Navy Expeditionary Combat Command (NECC) hosted the commander of Colombian Naval Forces Aug. 18, in an effort to strengthen relationships between partner nations and provide a first-hand look at NECC capabilities and how expeditionary Sailors operate.

Adm. Alvaro Echandia Duran was able to observe a live demonstration of riverine boat capabilities from Riverine Group 1, and view hands-on displays from Maritime Expeditionary Security Force (MESF), Maritime Civil Affairs and Security Training (MCAST) command and Navy Expeditionary Intelligence Command (NEIC).

“Echandia is touring throughout the eastern United States with a contingent of Colombian naval officers and military group representatives from the U.S. observing U.S. Naval capabilities,” said Capt. David McDuffie, strategic communications officer for NECC. “He specifically requested to visit NECC and has asked to see our Maritime Civil Affairs capability and our riverine capability.”

“I am very impressed, and amazed, with the way the U.S. Navy has adapted to meet new threats and challenges over the past decade,” said Echandia. “In Colombia we have over 15,000 kilometers of rivers that our forces are responsible for, and we are engaged in combat almost every day. Seeing NECC’s capabilities, gives me hope for an even stronger partnership in the future.”
In addition to providing combat forces, expeditionary Sailors provide critical capabilities that meet combatant commander taskings weather it is a planned humanitarian mission or emergent disaster response missions.

“What I saw here today were very professional Sailors, who were very dedicated and proud of the job they do,” said Echandia.

NECC Sailors deploy and operate around the globe, building partnerships and helping to increase partner navies’ capacity and capability to promote peace and prevent war. Many of NECC’s capabilities mirror the need of their partner nations.

Source: navy, August 24, 2011;