Libya: Gaddafi’s Army Shots Down AH-64 Apache Helicopter


Libyan television demonstrated wrecks of an aircraft, having declared that was AH-64 Apache helicopter shot down by Gaddafi’s army.

However, under close examination it turned out to be American unmanned air vehicle (UAV) MQ-8B Fire Scout.

According to Flight Daily News, NATO coalition confirmed that one MQ-8B UAV had been lost during the operation in Libya.

As for the NATO spokesman, UAV was on reconnaissance mission over Libyan territory (near Zintan) when NATO control center in Naples lost contact with it for undefined reasons.

At the same time, NATO command contradicts the loss of AH-64 helicopter during the operation in Libya.

Allegedly, two UAVs MQ-8B Fire Scout are deployed on USS Halyburton (FFG-40) frigate which until recently had been attending anti-piracy operation off Somalia.

Fire Scouts are deployed in Afghanistan as well. In total, US Navy operates 15 UAVs of this type.
Source: rusnavy, June  28, 2011;