US Navy’s SPAWAR to Upgrade Its CDL System


Cubic Corporation was tasked by the US Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), under contract, to develop and test an upgrade to the critical circuit card systems used on the AN/USQ-167 Common Data Link System (CDLS).

This development effort, with funding up to $1.3 million, has the potential to significantly extend the system life in support of U.S. Naval operations.

This state-of-the art data link system significantly increases the delivery speed and the volume of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data and video that can be processed aboard U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and large-deck amphibious assault ships ensuring quick, accurate and secure distribution of intelligence data to the fleet.

Mike Twyman, senior vice president, Communications and Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR) division of Cubic Defense Applications, said:

The Navy’s CDL system allows naval operators to track aircraft in any location relative to the vessel. It also provides 15 different waveforms needed to communicate with U.S. Air Force, Army and coalition aircraft sensors in a network-centric manner.

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Press release, Image: Cubic Corporation