NATO, Korean Counter-Piracy Task Forces Talk Cooperation


NATO, Korean Counter-Piracy Task Forces Talk Cooperation

On Saturday, 2 November 2013, NATO`s counter-piracy Operation OCEAN SHIELD flagship, HNoMS FRIDTJOF NANSEN, hosted a visit from the Republic of Korea Escort Task Group, which is also conducting counter-piracy operations in the area.

Captain Sung Mok Choi, Commander of the Republic of Korea (ROK) Naval Escort Task Group and Commanding Officer of ROK ship CHOI YOUNG, met with Commodore Henning Amundsen, Commander Task Force 508 (CTF-508), on board NANSEN.

 “I appreciate the opportunity to meet personnel with CTF 508,” said Captain Sung Mok Choi. “I am looking forward to further develop the coordination and cooperation between our forces.”

During the meeting, the two commanders discussed coordination within the International Recognized Transit Corridor (IRTC), and agreed to work together in future combined exercises. The commanders also discussed coordinated and timely response to ships in distress.

The Republic of Korea has previously contributed forces to counter-piracy Combined Maritime Forces (CTF-151), but this Naval Escort Task Group is currently operating as an independent deployer in the Gulf of Aden, escorting merchant ships through the IRTC.

 “All Maritime forces in the area conducting counter-piracy operations are mutually dependent on effective communication and coordination,” said Commodore Henning Amundsen. “Together with our Korean counterparts, we agreed on strengthening our good cooperation and information sharing.”

Press Release, November 6, 2013; Image: NATO