UK: BRNC Officer Cadets Tour HMS Sutherland

Training & Education

BRNC Officer Cadets Tour HMS Sutherland

Officer Cadets under training at Britannia Royal Naval College got their first taste of a warship last weekend when HMS Sutherland sailed into the River Dart.

The Type 23 frigate took a break from training off the South coast and during the visit gave the Cadets a tour of the ship, when they were able to ask questions about their future, living and working at sea.

Lieutenant Commander Al Moody, who is in charge of Officer Training at BRNC, said;

“The majority of the first 20 weeks of the Initial Naval Training (Officers) course is spent ‘within the wire’ of Britannia Royal Naval College or out on the River Dart in small boats.

“For some Officer Cadets, the head mark of active service in the Fleet must seem a long way off. Visits like HMS Sutherland’s undoubtedly help the Cadets to remain focused.

“The professionalism of the Ship’s Company reminds them of the high standards they will need to achieve in order to be successful on operations.”

HMS Sutherland returned from a six month deployment to the Indian Ocean and the Middle East last December where the ship had been conducting counter-piracy and terrorism patrols.

Following a period of maintenance HMS Sutherland returned to sea in March 2013 and since then has been conducting maritime security around the UK as well as participating in various exercises.

Commander Al Wilson, the Commanding Officer of HMS Sutherland, said:

“After an extremely busy period of sea training the next generation of Royal Navy warfare officers, it is fantastic to have the opportunity to visit such an iconic venue.

“Dartmouth, and Britannia Royal Naval College, has many happy memories for myself and my officers, although I am excited to return as a visitor rather than a Naval cadet.”

During the ship’s stay Cdr Wilson paid calls on local dignitaries and hosted a dinner onboard for invited guests, including the Mayor of Dartmouth, Councillor Paul Allen.

Press Release, July 23, 2013; Image: Royal Navy