UK: HMS Defender Visits Glasgow Sea Cadets


HMS Defender Visits Glasgow Sea Cadets

TS Galatea has hosted visits from the Ship’s Company of Defender in the past but this was the first with Cdr Nash in his role as her first captain and also since the current Unit CO, WO2 (SCC) Frank Boyd RNR, has taken command of TS Galatea.

After colours Cdr Nash inspected the cadets, chatted with each of them and was then given a tour of the Unit’s HQ onboard the historic, Clyde built barque, SV Glenlee.

The high point of the evening was after evening colours when Cdr Nash presented the unit with its efficiency pennant award for last years efforts. Able Cadet Ryan Murphy received the pennant on behalf of his fellow cadets.

On completions, the unit CO, WO2 Boyd, presented Cdr Nash with a ships badge of Galatea to display on Defender as a memento of the evening (Galatea having already received a Defender badge from a previous visit).

After evening colours Cdr Nash and his crew had the opportunity to meet members of the Unit staff, the members of the Unit Management Committee and the committee of the Parents & Supporters Association who had laid on a spectacular buffet.

Cdr Nash said of the evening:

“Defender is very proud of it’s strong affiliation with the City of Glasgow and Sea Cadets. I like to think of the team here at TS Galatea as members of an extended HMS Defender Ship’s Company and I look forward to many years of fruitful interaction.

“The crest presented by the sea cadets this evening will now travel around the world with us as we deploy, on display for all to see as a sign of our continued support and interaction with the unit.”

TS Galatea is shortly to visit Defender once more before she sets sail for HMNB Portsmouth and future visits to each other are already in the planning stages.

Naval Today Staff, July 17, 2012; Image: Royal Navy