Russia: Aircraft-Carrying Cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov Arrives in NF Main Base Severomorsk
Aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov has arrived in Northern Fleet (NF) main base Severomorsk and anchored off the harbor. The flagship of Russian Navy has finished the long-range cruise to the Mediterranean Sea started on Dec 6, 2011. Admiral Kuznetsov returned to the homebase one day ahead of the scheduled date.
The carrier group also comprised large ASW ship Admiral Chabanenko, rescue tug Nikolai Chiker, replenishment tankers Sergei Osipov, Vyazma, and Kama. The group was deployed in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and returned to homebase with no incidents.
When Admiral Kuznetsov entered the Barents Sea, her air wing (Su-33 fighters and Ka-27 helicopters) traditionally flew to coastal airfields first.
At different stages of the deployment, frigates of other fleets – Yaroslav Mudry (Baltic Fleet) and Ladny (Black Sea Fleet) – cooperated with NF ships forming an interfleet task force.
Aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov along with escort ships paid formal visit to Syrian port Tartus early Jan 2012 to replenish supplies; Russian Navy’s technical support center is located there on the permanent basis.
Russian defense minister Anatoly Serdiukov arrived at Northern Fleet today, Feb 16, to attend the triumphant ship-meeting ceremony.
Naval Today Staff , February 17, 2012